of the placenta—is
often caused by an ascending infection that enters the mare's uterus
through the cervix.Placentitis may be
caused by bacteria, fungi or viral agents; however it is most
commonly associated with bacterial infection.
This usually arises
from faecal contamination with bacteria subsequently ascending
through the vagina and cervix thus reaching the placenta
Signsvaginal discharge
premature udder
infections may show one or both of these signs where as hematogenous
and mucoid usually only show premature lactationA
usually can be determined using trans-rectal and/or trans-abdominal
ultrasound in combination with a culture if a vaginal discharge is
- Antibiotics
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- Hormonal treatment
“Dummy” foals are a potential problem faced by breeders during
foaling season. Numerous terms have been used to describe this
syndrome including barkers, wanderers, or convulsants. Veterinary
terminology includes neonatal maladjustment syndrome, perinatal
asphyxia syndrome, and most commonly hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
(HIE). These terms are used to describe newborn foals that have
behavioral or neurologic abnormalities that do not have an
infectious, toxic, congenital or metabolic cause. The condition
results from decreased blood and oxygen supply to the brain.
Foals diagnosed with HIE often have a history of the mare
experiencing difficulties during the pregnancy or during delivery of
the foal. Premature lactation, uterine or placental infection, and
prolonged or shortened pregnancy lengths may play a role. In
addition, problems during delivery, such as dystocia or premature
placental separation (“red bag”) increase the risk of a foal
developing HIE. It is important to note, however, that some cases of
HIE foals have no known predisposing factor.
Clinical Signs:
Clinical signs are very variable in onset, severity and duration.
Some foals begin showing clinical signs immediately after birth while
others may not show any signs for a couple of days. Mild signs can
include poor suckle response, lack of interest in the mare,
wandering, depression or staring into space. Facial spasms, lip
curling or abnormal vocalization (“barking”) may be observed.
Clinical signs may also be much more severe including seizures,
unresponsiveness, and blindness.
- The amount and level of treatment is dependent of the severity of
the foal’s clinical signs.
- In mild cases, very little treatment may be necessary.
- If the foal fails to absorb adequate colostrum and has failure of
passive transfer in addition to HIE, plasma will be given.
- If the foal is unable to nurse, feeding through a nasogastric tube
or supplementation given intravenously may be needed.
- In severe cases, more aggressive therapy is required.
- Seizure activity needs to be controlled.
- Medications, such as DMSO, mannitol, and magnesium sulfate, can be
given to reduce cerebral edema and limit damage to cells.
- Caffeine may be administered to support respiratory function or
mechanical ventilation may be needed.
- Broad spectrum antibiotics are started to decrease the risk of a
secondary infection or sepsis. Thiamine is helpful in supporting the
metabolic processes of cells. Anti-ulcer medications are given to
prevent additional gastrointestinal problems.
- Vitamin E and Selenium are often added to reduce oxidative damage
For more information
- Neonatal isoerythrolysis (NI) or Jaundice Foal Syndrome is an
uncommon but potentially life-threatening condition of newborn foals.
- It has been estimated to occur in 1 to 2% of equine births.
- The condition occurs when a foal ingests colostrum containing
antibodies directed against its red blood cells (RBC’s).
- Destruction of RBC’s leads to release of a pigment called
bilirubin that may cause the gums, white parts of the eye and feces
to become yellow or jaundiced.
- Horses have a number of blood groups, the most common of which are
labeled ‘Aa’ and ‘Qa’.
- A foal may inherit its blood group type from either the mare or
the stallion.
- If the stallion and mare have the same blood group, the problem
cannot occur.
- If a foal inherits the blood group type of its dam, there will
also be no chance of developing this syndrome.
- Affected foals usually begin to show clinical signs between 24 and
72 hours of life.
- jaundice
- weakness
- lethargy
- decreased nursing vigor
- increased respiratory and
- heart rate, recumbancy
- passage of red-colored urine and possibly death.
- Blood transfusions from a crossmatched donor horse or washed red
blood cells from the mare.
- Additional therapy may include
administration of purified hemoglobin, antibiotics, and other
For more information