Wednesday, 6 May 2015


Donkeys require specialist feeding, they are not a small horse and should not be fed as such. They require fewer calories to maintain weight than a pony of the same size and enjoy trickle feeding on highly fibrous feeds similar to those found in their natural habitat.
Donkeys are particularly prone to obesity and laminitis when kept in the UK and need careful dietary management to avoid problems.
The following is basic feeding advice for normal, healthy animals, if you require more specialist advice e.g. geriatric animals please contact us for further information.

  • Provide the donkey with good quality feeding straw (barley and wheat are best) ad lib with small quantities of hay, haylage or gazing plus a vitamin and mineral supplement such as Top Spec Donkey Forage Balancer that does not promote weight gain.
  • Check the donkey can manage to eat long fibres such as straw, haylage, and hay.
  • Donkeys with dental issues may require long fibres to be replaced by a short chop diet instead. Donkeys should have their teeth checked by a Vet or Equine Dental Technician at least once a year.
  • Condition score donkeys regularly, they are prone to weight gain which can predispose them to laminitis and hyperlipaemia.
  • Feed according to body condition, restrict intake of energy rich feeds e.g. hay, haylage or grass if the donkey is overweight but always ensure a source of fibre (e.g. straw) is available to satisfy their need to trickle feed.
  • Restrict grazing carefully, donkeys are very prone to laminitis, and the quantity of grazing should be controlled by restricting the size of the paddock rather than time at grazing.
  • Make changes to a donkey’s diet very gradually over a period of 4-6 weeks.
  • Ensure all supplementary feeds are high in fibre, low in calories and suitable for laminitics.

  • Avoid all cereal based feeds, donkeys can be maintained and encouraged to gain weight on fibre based products without the need for inappropriate cereal feeds.
  • Don’t feed sugary treats. Chopped apples, carrots, and high fibre nuts are more suitable.

  • Don’t feed supplements unnecessarily; donkeys only require a vitamin and mineral supplement unless other products are recommended by your vet. Supplements may in fact put donkeys off feed or they can over dose nutrients leading to problems.
  • Don’t provide sugar based licks, these are often marketed, as ‘boredom breakers’ but are not suitable for donkeys due to their high sugar content.
  • Don't feed straw with retained grain, always check for this and the quality before buying large quantities.
  • Don’t restrict total food intake to encourage weight loss, dieting should be done carefully using low calorie products in combination with exercise. Extreme dieting can put donkeys at risk of developing hyperlipaemia. 


An average sized (175kg) healthy, mature donkey will require 2-3kg of feed per day to satisfy their appetite. 
In the majority of cases this should be solely provided by straw, hay and restricted grazing plus a vitamin and mineral balancer.
 A guideline for donkeys with good teeth is that straw should constitute 75% of the total dietary intake during summer months and 50% in the winter with hay and restricted grazing making up the balance.
 Supplementary feeds suitable for donkeys requiring extra condition include:
Soaked High Fibre Nuts e.g. 
Spillers High Fibre Nuts and Saracen’s Donkey Diet;
Speedi Beet – excellent as a ‘top dressing’ for soaked fibre nuts; and
Top Spec Donkey Forage Balancer for all donkeys and Top Spec Comprehensive (for donkeys that need to gain condition), both fed at 100g per 100kg bodyweight per day .i.e. a 150kg donkey will be fed 150g of the balancer. 
Always introduce changes to the diet gradually and observe your donkey to ensure that it is eating.
Try to avoid feeding your donkeys more than 1 kg of food at time, small frequent meals are best. Always ensure that donkeys have access to fresh clean water and an equine specific mineral lick if not being fed a vitamin and mineral supplement/balancer.


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